We're in the business of bagging press coverage for our startup clients, so if we were to keep all the pickings for ourselves, they might have a few choice words for us.
But occasionally, we have a little flutter...

Here are a few bits we made earlier, with more to follow, just as soon as our clients stop nicking all the good stuff:
Yours truly in Forbes debating a very important topic – whether or not lunch is for wimps – and admitting to all who cares to read it that I'm about as effective as a fart in the wind at 4pm.
Next up is Director Magazine – which has been published by the Institute of Directors for its members for over 40 years – offering advice on developing a personal brand. This was published both in the print magazine, which is posted to members, and on Director.co.uk too.
Here we are fighting for graphic designers and quality copywriters everywhere, explaining on Startups.co.uk why you should never, and I mean never, scrimp on design or copy.
Our new hire announcement featured on Wired Sussex. When we tried to title it 'Business no one's ever heard of hires even lesser known new recruit', they emailed us back something along the lines of 'you OK hun?'.
Quoted in a piece on Natwest's Business Hub about how SMEs can improve cashflow by making one simple yet smart change to invoicing.